Friday, 4 January 2013

My apologies!

Hello Beauty Addicts!

Well that feels weird; no 'Happy Holidays' or 'Merry Christmas.' Yes, it's finally happened, the new year has hit and my first post of the year is going to be a big apology. I am aware that I am a part timer. It's a fact. I have a lot of new commitments that are just eating up time but there is another reason of the more technical nature that explains why I haven't posted since... wait for it... the 20th of December! LAST YEAR! As far as I'm concerned, that's appalling. So here's the deal. Google mail for some reason suddenly decided that oh, my email address doesn't exist and let's face it, how can you sign into a blogger account with an email address that doesn't exist, oh, yes, you can't. A little bit of a pickle. So here's a quick one to say that yes, I have a lot of catching up to do. (Thanks computer, the internet is supposed to be revolutionary.) In the meantime, a quick beauty tip to keep you going and let you know I'm not dead?

     Vasaline acts as a protectant barrier between your lips and the world. It's moisturising properties are actually about nil to meh. Try using a moisturising lip balm (Hint hint: Burts Bees are superb!) and applying Vasiline over the top to lock that moisture in.

Tah Tah!

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