Monday, 11 February 2013

Kiss Me Quick


 So now that I'm getting well and truly stuck into my Au Naturel challenge I've been picking up a few unusual tricks that have been helping me keep my lips in tip top condition. As they're my main feature to really play around with now that eyeshadow and eyeliner (to see how far my craving for that has gone, just check out the new Image of The Month) are off the menu I've been paying extra attention to them.

 A product that gets a lot of praise are Lush lip scrubs and whilst I do actually own one in Bubblegum, I'm not a very big fan. I would much prefer to make my own, super sweet lip scrub. It's as simple as honey - or golden syrup if you're like me and don't like honey - water and sugar. Make sure you work in small amounts. It's always easier to add than take away. I would suggest melting your water and honey or syrup together as they will mix better when hot and runny. Let them cool and add your sugar to form a grainy paste perfect for any sweet tooth. Scrub away.

Another thing I've been thinking about is multi purpose products. It sounds crazy, so bear with me, but the other day I had a realisation. The skin on your lips is a much thinner version of that under your eyes. So surely if under eye serums work to firm up your under eye area, should they not do the same to your lips? I've spent the last few days testing this with my Soap&Glory You Won't Believe Your Eyes under eye roll on and it's startling the difference it makes.  Fuller, firmer lips? Job done.

Last but not least in the cold, snowy, weather I've been finding that my lip balms just aren't enough. I need the real deal. So I've been doubling up my Re-gen repairing moisturiser, as an intensive lip treatment as it sinks in quickly and repairs my poor chapped lips in no time.

All of the above have really been helping me out with my Spending Ban, which is going rather fabulously, so far my tactic is to avoid temptation. I'll be doing a one month update and wish list on that so prepare for a long one!

To keep updated with my various challenges feel free to hop over to my Contact page to find out how to follow my everyday beauty updates.

If you've missed any of my latest posts: 

I ❤ Drugstore Makeup Tag

Au Naturel - One Week Down

From Comfort Food to Comfort Face

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