Monday, 24 September 2012

Four Ways To Jazz Up Your Manicure

Hello Beauty Addicts!

You're probably thinking - what the hell is she doing? Another nails post! However this is a post that I've been collecting photographs for for a very long with the view of bringing you four simple ways to jazz up your nails.

I'm a big lover of the classic one colour, shining like mirrors manicure but for me my manicure is as much an accessory as my bracelets, or my make up, or my handbag etcetera etcetera... So I like something a bit different here and there.

So let's get on with the show. Enjoy.

*As always it's important to note that no matter what you're putting on your nails a base coat tailored to your nail type is always advised as this protects your nails and prevents staining when using anything dark or with primary coloured pigments.*

Numero Uno: Nail Art.

There is nothing more fun than adding that something a little bit extra to your nails with some nail art. This can be anything from some swirls with a nail art pen to some cute little bunnies or as you can see below, Lady Bugs! Now these designs I can take absolutly no credit for as these surprisingly easy nails creations have come from the wonderful mind of 'CutePolish.' You can find the nail artist fabuloso on YouTube and scroll through her endless tutorials which show you how to get flawless, easy to do nail art that looks professional and will get the notice, trust me! 

Check out how it's done :) It's easier than it looks. (P.S. If you don't have a striper a small paint brush will do the job and I use the end of a bobby pin for a dotting tool)

 Click here!

Numero Dos:Immediate Effect Nail Polish.

Nail polish has come a very long way in recent years. Magnetic nail polishes, crackle coats, leapard and snakeskin prints have flooded the market. Now I've had my bloopers with all of these products but for my 18th birthday I thought I'd take the plunge, grab some crackle and dive in at the deep end.
Mixing textures is hot right now from runways to highstreet, can anyone say feather mania? So why not take on a bit of matt and shimmer. This monochrome inspired look is as quick as a flash, easy as pie, {insert cliche of your choice here}. Simple apply a shimmery base (I prefer a silver) and simple sweep either a crackle, a magnetic polish, a matt colour, anything you want across the nail starting from halfway up and finishing at the tip of the nail on the other side.

Numero Tres: Tips, Tips, Tips! 

Now there's nothing wrong with a good french manicure. Pink base, white tips, shiney top coat, we all know the one. But want something different this winter? Try switching up your colours and maybe add a stripe across the top to bring some life to the old French Manicure. I find the easiest way to get a clean tip is to simple hold the brush stil and starting from one side of the nail, rotate your finger until the brush moves across to the other side :) 

Numero Quatro: Colour Blocking.

There is honestly nothing hotter this season than colour blocking. Inspired by the runways you can mix pastels, autumnal shades or whatever you like to achieve a colourful, fun and oh so simple look. Simply choose your colours, and mix and match. They don't have to match however I do like to keep them fairly uniform by doing alternate nails and having an accent nail in the darkest shade but this is up to you. This look works with just two colours or you can go the whole hog with a different colour for each nail. Below I added a matt top coat to give it a textured feel but this isn't necessary. 

I hope you all enjoy trying some of these out and if you do, let me know! As always you can keep up to date with all my nails going ons on Instagram: TopKatTV.

Bye Addicts.

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