Sunday, 16 September 2012

Spending ban? What?


Hello Beauty Addicts! 

    Now I know that this has been a long time coming. It pains me but I am undeniably intrigued and lets face it I'm just going to go shopping at the end of it. So I know that there is a bit of a challenge going around about spending bans well I'm doing it! EEEEKKK! 

    I'm setting myself some rules, as I feel that I should, because at the end of the day, money is kinda needed for survival. I decided to do this not just in the interest of my poor piggy bank which is empty. Am I the only person that feels like I'm feeding the pig when I put money in? Well then he'll starve if I don't. I also wanted to do this challenge though to be more creative. To not just buy a new top, or a new bracelet but to take what I've got and be clever, turn it into something new. Recycling!

   Wow, I'm half excited I thing and half not!
    So here are my rules:

  • Whilst I will be cutting down on unnecessary spending on eating out etc this ban is mostly on beauty products. So that's makeup, clothes, accessories, perfume, skin care and body care (other than essentials). 
  • Having said that I will not be buying books, CD's, DVD's or magazines or the like. 
  •  As stated above, I'm not going to stop all spending because I'm a student and there often isn't another choice but to eat out. However I will be sticking to plans that I have made with friends already. Cuts on leisure activity's will be enforced after these pre-arrange events have taken place. 
  • This challenge will last one hundred days, which if my calculations are correct should take me up to Christmas. Therefore the ban will exclude Christmas presents and any birthdays in the next few months. 

So that's it I think! Obviously college supplies etc. Class books, educational trips and such will have to be payed for. Basically I want to cut down on all the little things that I buy that I don't need. I mean, do I really need more than one lipstick? Do I honestly need 10 mascara's that all do the same thing. No.

In light of this you'll probably find that my monthly wish list will be even longer and more lustful than usual, but hey, that's fine.

I challenge all of you to give it a go with me!

Goodbye addicts!

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