Sunday, 20 January 2013

From Sample to Love Affair! Skinetica Anti-Blemish Solution

     Recently I’ve tried something else that I just have to share with you. Whilst I’ve never struggled with anything like acne or any major blemishing, I do, as most people, experience breakouts at various times in year. During the winter I feel like I’m constantly eating left over chocolate from Christmas and changing up my skincare routine to accommodate the ever changing weather. Together these cause my skin to just malfunction on every level. When I was having some trouble with a particularly nasty blemish on my shoulder (it can be used on your face and body) my sister gave me a sample of Skinetica Anti-Blemish Solution. The product claims to have dramatic results within three days and it’s no word of a lie.
     I was so impressed I went onto their site and ordered a sample for myself, having had this for only a day I am desperate to order a full size bottle.
      So here it is: The actual product consistency is like water. Apply it to a cotton wool pad and sweep over the face like a toner if dealing with large areas, for individual spots do the same but only apply to those blemishes. It’s gentle so don’t worry about all over face coverage. Allow the product to air dry. Once dry the solution is active for twelve hours. I apply it in the morning and before I go to bed. The product must be applied to clean, dry skin before any moisturisers or makeup but can be worn beneath both of these as it doesn’t leave a residue on the skin. I have noticed no reactions between the product and my makeup.
      What I’m trying to say is that this is very fuss free but works brilliantly. I noticed a drastic reduction in the size of spots and also the redness surrounding them.
       The only thing I don’t like about this is the smell. Don’t worry it’s very faint and will not linger once applied to the skin. The smell is a little like… if you dissolved a lot of sugar in water. A kind of sweet and a little sickly. But again, nothing I can’t handle for the fast acting miracle in a bottle.
      If you’re living in the UK free samples are available and a full size bottle (100ml) will only set you back £9.99 with postage included. Postage will be added to all orders outside of the UK.
       As this is a new company this is their only product but I really hope they will expand into other skincare products in years to come as, you can probably tell, I’m in love with it.

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