Sunday, 20 January 2013

Stay away from Chemist4U!

Bad customer service? Here’s a site that whilst you probably won’t use very often it’s good to know how truly awful it is.
    I’m a Groupon subscriber, I mean, why not? I purchased a Groupon for Model Co. and I wasn’t really very familiar with their products. However after looking on their website I decided that the products looked really nice but did cost quite a bit of money. Thank God for my Groupon! For nine pounds…. Erm, something, I got a Groupon voucher for a product worth £52.  The little set that I orders was called The Luxe Lip and Last Kit and should have featured three lip glosses and a mascara.
    Here’s where it all goes wrong. Instead of ordering direct from Model Co. you make the purchase at Chemist4You.  So I went to the site, clicked on the item, entered my code etc. did the essential double check and went to check out.
     And then I waited. And waited. And then some. The delivery time for this company is shocking. When my package finally arrived the invoice showed the item that I have ordered to be correct and yet the item I was holding in my hands was the cheaper Lip and Last Duo. Okay Sophie, don’t panic, it’s just a simple phone call to customer services. Except they don’t have a phone number. Apparently I’m not the only one to have encountered this problem as upon typing the website into Google, ‘Chemist4U phone number’ was the highest search suggestion. A bit fishy? I thought so.
     At the end of the day it was only lip gloss but it shocked me that for a company that specialises in sending prescription pharmaceutical to people’s homes would be so sloppy with it distribution. This was around Christmas time and I had been ill for several weeks which meant that the entire thing was an inconvenience I didn’t really want to handle. Therefore, in my fit of pre-Christmas rage I jumped onto the Chemist4U website and submitted what they call a ‘ticket.’ This is the only way provided on the site to get in contact with customer services. Chemist4U state that you will be sent a tracking code to track the status of your complaint. I waited days and didn’t receive one. I managed to convince myself that I must have mistyped my email address and therefore submitted another ticket explaining this issue and also the possibility that I just hadn’t received one. (And if you’re thinking ‘check your junk email,’ yup, did that too.) After I received no tracking code for my second ticket I was getting a little more annoyed.
      I waited despite this for about two weeks to receive some kind of acknowledgement from them. Nothing. Nada. Finally, with no way to contact the company I was forced to return the items with a letter of complaint. Again I have received no correct package. No contact whatsoever from Chemist4U.
      I have now made a complaint to Groupon who are trying to process the problem as quickly as possible. It’s been a month since I made my original purchase and Chemist4U’s mistake is still not fixed.
      I guess that was my long way of saying, ‘head’s up, stay the hell away from this awful site.’ Poor customer service equals the loss of customers.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
Bye Bye for now.

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